Rohan Kumar

Rohan Kumar, a natural leader, charming person, and visionary entrepreneur. Founder of Rentyaar and The Starterseed, changing students' lives for the better.

Rohan Kumar
Rohan Kumar

My Tributes

Rohan is one of the most unparalleled individuals I've ever met. He communicates well and is open about his views and beliefs. His insights are extremely beneficial since they nearly always provide quick outcomes.

He's a great leader, a charming person, and a natural entrepreneur. Rohan is a good buddy who is a fantastic listener and can always assist you when you are in need.

Rohan and I have been friends from 1st Year of college, we've been part of Think-Digital learning together and conducting events as well. What made us bond over the years was our mutual interest to learn and grow and build out our ideas.

He's an amazing cheerleader and everything he says, he says for your best. (Even if it might hurt). I'm happy to have Rohan as a friend.

Lessons Learnt

  • Don't limit yourself to just one solution. Always think of alternate approaches you can take.
  • If you can't do it alone, don't hesitate to ask someone who can do it better than you.
  • Even if you don't have the advantage, use what you have to the fullest extent.


‣ Name

/ Rohan Kumar

‣ Connected

/ Sat Jan 09 2021 (2 years to date)

‣ Company

/ Founder at Rentyaar